What is butterfly valve installation and maintenance?

Oct 27, 2023

Installation and maintenance:

① Check butterfly valve specification, pressure, temperature and corrosion resistance before installation. All parts should be checked for damage or loosening.

Butterfly valve can be installed on any angle of the pipe, should be closed installation; welding pipe flange should be the valve seal plate to prevent particles, debris contusion sealing surface, after welding remove the valve, valve sealing surface and pipe cavity cleaning, and then install fixed valve.

③ Before installation, clean the sealing surface (both ends sealing surface, butterfly plate sealing surface, seat sealing surface) thoroughly, remove dust and dirt.

④ Before installation, the butterfly valve should be empty, the opening and closing should be flexible, the opening and closing position should be in accordance with the pointer indication position.

⑤ The butterfly plate must be in the closed position during installation to ensure that the butterfly plate does not collide with the pipe flange.

⑥ The opening position should be determined according to the rotation angle of butterfly valve butterfly plate.

⑦ Butterfly valve with bypass valve, open bypass valve before opening.

⑧ Install butterfly valves according to medium flow arrow.

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What are the methods of butterfly valve troubleshooting?

Troubleshooting and elimination methods:

Common faults 1: Sealing surface leakage

Causes 1: Butterfly valve plate, sealing ring with debris

Exclusion methods: Remove impurities and clean the valve cavity

Causes 2: Butterfly valve plate, seal closed position is not correct

Exclusion methods: Adjust the limit screw of the actuator such as worm gear or electric actuator. To reach the valve closing position is correct

Causes 3: The outlet is equipped with flange bolts with force or not pressed

Exclusion methods: Check flange plane and bolt compression force, should be evenly pressed.

Causes 4: The pressure test direction is not as required.

Exclusion methods: Spinning in arrow direction

Common faults 2: Leakage on both ends of valve

Causes 1: Failure of sealing gasket on both sides

Exclusion methods: Replace sealing gasket

Causes 2: The pressure of the tube flange is uneven or not pressed

Exclusion methods: Press flange bolts (uniform force)

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