Temporary Procurement from XXX Wholesaler from Kazakhstan

Sep 22, 2023

Project Name:

Temporary Procurement from XXX Wholesaler from Kazakhstan

Customer Name:

XXX Wholesaler from Kazakhstan

Purchasing products:

Gate Valve (BS, DIN, GOST design standard)

Customer demand:

Purchase a batch of gate valves for their customers

This customer is a large wholesaler in Kazakhstan, whose products cover valves, flanges.

This customer originally found us on the Alibaba platform, inquired about Gate Valve and asked for a quotation. The staff of our foreign trade department asked the exact specific and briefly introduced the strength of our company. After several days of communication, the customer finally determined to placed the first batch of products, 44 gate valves. The customer was satisfied with the solutions and services provided by our company, 15 days later, they added another 19 gate valves before the first batch of gate valves was about to be shipped. And require two shipments to be issued together.

In the end, after all the production was over, the customer confirmed the pictures and test videos of the finished product after all the production finished. Theyare very satisfied with them. The goods are safely transported to the place designated by the customer.

Adquisición temporal de XXX mayorista de Kazajstán

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